Warren Ramales A Lifetime Opportunity - Tiu Family 2020 turned everyone’s lives a full 180 degrees. Millions of people around the globe lost their source of income as the tourism industry came to a screeching halt. The memory is still vivid as the gov... BeeGiver Dec 29, 2022
Warren Ramales A spark of Hope It was December 16 2021, when the devastating typhoon Odette hit Siargao Island. Businesses closed down and most properties were severely damaged. Which was the darkest hour of most locals. Their live... Oct 19, 2022
Warren Ramales Giving Children A Brighter Tomorrow Under the searing weather in the middle of a pandemic, a team from Nfinite I.T. Solutions and BeeGiver Foundation together with Bohol Transport Cooperative journeyed to an island in the north of Bohol... BeeGiver Oct 11, 2022